Maqolada karbomido-formal’degid oligomeri asosida polimer kompozit lateriallari ilish va ularni o‘rganish bo‘yicha olib borilgan tadqiqotlar asoslangan. Bunda to‘ldiruvchi sifatida fosfogipsdan foydalanilgani ham aytilgan.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishthis article discusses effective technologies for developing the speed and endurance physical qualities of football players. Speed and endurance are crucial in football, directly impacting players’ performance during the game. The article highlights methods for improving speed through plyometric exercises and reaction speed drills, as well as techniques for enhancing endurance with cardio and high-intensity interval training. The importance of individualized training programs and recovery processes is also considered. These technologies can be applied to improve the physical condition of football players
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishthis article analyzes the technologies for improving the technical-tactical movements of handball players. The methods for developing technical skills, including passing, dribbling, and shooting, are discussed. In addition, effective training methods to enhance team tactics and decision-making speed are examined. The article also provides pedagogical recommendations on integrating technical and tactical skills and using modern technologies to organize high-quality training sessions.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishThis article analyzes the pedagogical necessity of improving physical qualities in students with disabilities. The topic examines the significance of physical education for students with special needs in the educational process and the challenges faced in developing physical qualities. The study focuses on how physical qualities (strength, endurance, speed, and flexibility) are developed in students with disabilities and the role of pedagogical methods in this process. Additionally, the article discusses the need for an individualized approach and the application of innovative pedagogical technologies, as well as the practical effectiveness of special sports programs. The article also includes recommendations on motivation and support from educators.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishThe article discusses in detail some issues of copyright protection, which are part of the objects of intellectual property rights. The shortcoming in this area and the issues of their elimination are highlighted.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishИнновационные подходы играют важную роль в сохранении и обучении молодого поколения национальным музыкальным инструментам. С помощью современных технологий можно сделать образовательный процесс более эффективным и увлекательным. Такие методы, как онлайн-уроки, мультимедийные платформы и геймификация, усиливают интерес молодежи к национальному наследию и повышают мотивацию к изучению национальных инструментов. Это создает важные возможности для сохранения культурных ценностей и их передачи будущим поколениям
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishВ статье проанализировано генетическое и эпидемиологическое распространение возбудителей лейшманиозов, обнаруженных в очагах кожного лейшманиоза (ТЛ) центральных регионов Узбекистана, и зависимость видов лейшманиозов от клинических симптомов вызванного ими поражения. По его словам, Джизакская, Самаркандская и Навоийская области являются эндемичными очагами по антропонозным и зоонозным возбудителям кожного лейшманиоза, а в результате молекулярно-биологического анализа подтверждены оба типа возбудителей кожного лейшманиоза Leishmania tropica и Leishmania major. Среди них научные анализы по дифференциации последовательности ДНК антропонного возбудителя кожного лейшманиоза Leishmania tropica и зоонозного возбудителя кожного лейшманиоза Leishmania major в эндемичных очагах лейшманиоза в различных регионах [4].
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishУмение решать задачи – важная часть химического образования. Без решения задач постижение любой из естественных наук, в том числе и химии, не может быть полным. Особое место занимают экспериментальные задачи. Уже в школе формируется процесс перехода от мысли к практическим действиям.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishthis article discusses the technology for improving the strength-speed physical qualities of volleyball players. Strength-speed is one of the key factors in significantly enhancing an athlete's performance in volleyball. The article analyzes exercises and methods that effectively develop these qualities, with a focus on the importance of plyometric exercises and individualized training programs. Additionally, practical recommendations are provided based on research findings.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olishthis article analyzes effective methods for improving the technical-tactical movements of young football players. It discusses innovative approaches to developing individual technical skills and mastering team tactical strategies, highlighting modern techniques applied in training sessions. Additionally, it explores ways to strengthen technicaltactical skills through the use of game simulations and real match scenarios. Based on the findings, recommendations are provided for integrating technique and tactics in the education of young football players.
2024-10-24 Volume 5 Issue 5 Batafsil ko'rish Yuklab olish© 2024 News. created by StartApp